Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I feel that the death penalty does not stop people from killing people. I think that when they kill someone they are not thinking about what is going to happen next. And even if they are, i think that most people dont care and would rather be dead and if they dont then they should just kill themselves anyways. im not a criminologist so my opinion doesnt matter at all, im just saying that i think when people kill, they dont think about what is going to happen if they get caught so the death penalty wouldnt stop them from killing.

i think that the biggest downfall to the death penalty is that someone who is innocent could be sentenced to the death penalty. while an innocent person is going to die, the real killer is still out there and is most likely going to kill again in my opinion.

The amount of money they spend on these people in jail is crazy. The average cost of keeping a prisoner in jail for 1 year is $22,600. The average time spent on death row is 11 years. This is $248,600 spent on 1 inmate. The average cost per student in public school each year is $9,800 (a difference of $12,800). So, in your 12 years of schooling, the national average is $117,600. I feel that we should stop putting money to these people who dont have a future and give money to the school districts and help kids have futures. if more money would be sent to schools, maybe more kids could do something with their lives and that could lower crime reates a little...maybe.

In my research, i found that the average cost of death penalty is 63.3 million per year. i think that if we are going to do this, it should be done right after the trial when they are proven guilty. i believe that the average dollar amount for a bullet is around 20 cents. this would save lots of time and money if we just got rid of them ASAP. Then with all the extra money, it could go to my bank account because i thought of the idea. (even though im not the first to think of it, i should get the money)


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