Thursday, March 4, 2010


I feel that it was not her fault for killing her 5 kids. it is the fact that she was off of her drugs that she killed her kids. it is the fact that she is mentally insane.before she killed her kids, she kept going in and out of the hospital and it should have been noted that she was crazy and she needed real help for her problems. she should have been put in a real place to help her with her problems and not just give her some pills to take when she can just stop taking them at anytime and go nuts. also she thought about doing this for 2 years prior. during the two years she was on her pills at some point and doing fine im sure, and she was still thinking about doing this. she was at some point in a normal state of mind and was thinking about killing her kids. i would say that she is insane with her pills and deffinitely without them.instead of letting her go with only going into a mental place, she should have had to go to a looney bin and stayed there for a super long time instead of going to a free looney bin where you get to come and go as you please. she should not be aloud to walk the streets because what if she stops taking her medicine? she could think someone else is a bad mom and go kill her and her kids. who knows what this psycho is capable of doing when she is off of her drugs.The insanity law is a good one if you have a history of insanity. the only way you should be able to get off using the insanity plea is by having to stay in a mental facility for a mad long time without a chance for lowering the time or security in which they are being watched over. if the person does not have a history of insanity, then they should have to go to a real jail and have absolutely no chance to go for the insanity plea.


  1. you can't simply just label someone as "crazy" and that's that. There are varying degrees of insanity, and just because someone may be considered irrational in a mental/medical sense doesn't mean that theyre capable of committing murder, nonetheless multiple juvenile homicide.
